Myer Briggs: INTJ
Chinese Zodiac: Fire Ox (yin Metal Element)
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Soul Urge: 22
Vedic Zodiac: Libra
13th Zodiac: Virgo
Celtic Zodiac: Ivy / Walnut / Butterfly
Alignment : True Neutral
Bloodcaste: Jade
Nicknames: Ao, Aims to Shock, the blue one, Aims.
Soul Type: Scholar
Life Path: 8
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
MOTIV type: SOTWV / Thinking
Whole Character Number: 7 - Intellectual Number - The Moon
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Birth Card: Nine of Hearts
Expression: 6
Tarot Birth Cards: The Star / Strength
Black Zodiac: (13 ghosts) The Jackal
KIN: 136 - Yellow Rhythmic Warrior
Enneagram: Type 5 - sp/sx/so
Blood Type: A-
Name: Aomi
Surname: Armster
Demon/Angel Name: Gontalmedun / Unmedtalgon
Galactic Tone: 6
Shadow card: The Star
Standard Designation/s: ARMSTER / Aims / Aimster/ Shockstriker
Global5/SLOAN: RCOEN / Organized
DOB: Sunday, 26/10/1997(current) (prior; 1300AD, prior; 1300BCE)
Time: 03:30:03 AM
Lucky Element: Water
Location of Birth: (current)Los Angels,CA,USA : 34°03’N 118°15’W
Colour Scheme: Black,White,Aqua
Sex at Birth: Female
Cybertronian Personality Matrix: Soldier
Soul & Personality card: VIII
Order of Birth: 5th - the youngest
Kua Number: 3 / green/ chen / wood
Height: 5’0”-60in-152.40cm
Measurements: B29” W22” H30” (B74 W56 H78 cm)
Weight: 108 lbs. (49 kg)
Favourite Colour(s): any shades of Red & Purple.
Species: (Shekintari)Shadow Demon/Shapeshifter
Combat Method: HIT & RUN
Squeaks for Aomi
Monday, November 17, 2014
About Aomi
the star,
true neutral,
type 5,
yellow rhythmic warrior,
Aomibot Shenanigans
- Transformers Wiki
- Shockstriker
- Transformers Horoscope
- Generators and Quizzes
- GIFs
- Transformers G1
- My TF Quiz Results
- Transformers: Prime
- Transformers Name Generator
- Reference Material
- Autobots
- Decepticons
- Flight Rising
- Quiz Results
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Cybertronian Shenanigans
The Transformers Name Generator takes the first and last letters of the name entered and selects a corresponding Transformers name prefix and suffix.
Aomi Armster
A.A. = Metaldust
A.R.= Metalstrike
A.I. = Metalburner
Aomi Armster
A.A. = Metaldust
A.R.= Metalstrike
A.I. = Metalburner
personality matrix,
Friday, August 22, 2014
Aomi Spartan
just plopping all the collages together for later use and yeah no more worry, this is the end of the Aomi Spartan cluster fuck and of course there is always the Soul Reaver but anyway… this Halo Combat Evolved Spartan Mark V Black Play Arts Kai Action Figure is going back into his display case,after seeing another spartan figure break(not mine) i just dont wanna risk anything.
soul reaver,
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Aomi Spartan
after some consideration it has become evident that one cannot make a spartan be drawn like one of the french girls this is due to some being half fleshy and half ghost(digital). we call it, Aomi corrupting a terrifying warrior, then the sassy slutty spartan incident began.
this Halo Combat Evolved Spartan Mark V Black Play Arts Kai Action Figure has become… COMPROMISED
this Halo Combat Evolved Spartan Mark V Black Play Arts Kai Action Figure has become… COMPROMISED
Friday, August 15, 2014
testing out the collage feature
some of my favourite things mooshed together in collages ! my aqua
quartz arrowhead(love dis thing), my rainbowloom bands/bracelets , my
blue rocks/gems/crystals. Theen comes content from two of my favourite
games ever, Journey and Silent Hill 3, my cat-pope ( thats whot i call
the journeyfolk) and last but not least Heather Mason ---
my instagram
my instagram
aqua quartz,
heather mason,
rainbow loom,
Silent Hill,
silent hill 3,
my three favourite card decks
i wasn’t believed. okay so yeah these are my three most favourite deck of cards.EVER the RvB one is very recent (drawn and made by the awwesome synne),
Fathom was the first deck i adored and the Zelda cards are second. in
my flat people are JERKS, we have to put our items in lock boxes to
avoid our property from getting damaged. PEOPLE RUIN MY THINGS A LOT. =\
so i have to lock everything i own away. BLAARHGHGH i got the zelda deck from fangamer and fathom from ellusionist
card deck,
playing cards,
red vs blue,
rooster teeth,
the legend of zelda,
Halo Combat Evolved Spartan Mark V Black Play Arts Kai Action Figure
this spartan has become a bad influence on me - i am going to try and pull off as many sassy spartan poses as i can. yeah so at the end i get to enjoy a size difference that sent me into a giggling spree. Aqua Team is thrilled.
Friday, July 18, 2014
and this is just ONE character with MANY souls

Making an Aomi Correspondence page/posts is going to blow my brain apart. Basically I am homing down on Aomi’s personality traits mixed in with things that relate to Aomi, like different forms of astrology, personality tests, video game relations and other media, basically an entire “What Would Aomi Do?” “How does this relate to Aomi” “How does this represent Aomi” “What factors lead to this being about Aomi”sorta thing.
Compiling the information is mind blowing to say the least. First tactic of mine was just to find a topic and attach the name Aomi to it and use search engines.
I got most of what I need now I just have to sort and compile it into one or few posts.

It is also leading up to Aomi being a vain and haughty little shit.
Aomi Armster,
come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death!
come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Water Correspondences
ASSOCIATIONS: Emotions, dreams, compassion, love, sadness, psychism, healing, rest, cleansing, dissolution, astral travel, death/rebirth,
QUALITIES: moist, cold, heavy, passive
GENDER: feminine, receptive
COLORS: blue, indigo, aqua, green, silver, purple
ANIMALS: Dolphin, Otter, fish, all aquatic creatures
PLANTS: Celtic trees - Alder, Hazel, Willow. Herbs - Aloe, Lemon, Yarrow. Natives - American Elm, Cat Brier, Mesquite, Violet, Wax Myrtle
STONES: Aquamarine, Lapis, Limestone, Moonstone, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Shells, Sodalite
METALS: Copper, Sliver
MYTHOLOGICAL BEINGS: Mermaid, Merman, Sea Monsters
KERUB: Eagle
TAROT TRUMPS: Moon, Death, Lovers
RUNES: Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Pethro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
ZODIAC SIGNS: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
PLANETS: Moon, (Venus)
HOUR: Dusk
DAY(S): Monday, (Friday)
LIFE CYCLE: Adulthood, Reproductive years
ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL: Silver crescent with horns pointing up
TATTWA SYMBOL: downward pointing triangle
QABALISTIC SEPHIROT: Hod/Splendor, Chesod/Mercy, Binah/Understanding
MAGICAL TOOLS: Chalice, Cup, Bowl, Cauldron, Ring, Sickle
CHAKRA(S): Navel, (Heart)
TYPES OF MAGIC: Divination, dreams, psychic powers, astral travel, healing, fertility
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Compassionate, loving, forgiving, sensitive, easygoing, modest, flowing
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Overly sensitive, weepy, dependent, indifferent, lazy, insecure, frigid
OVERBALANCE: Depression, hypersensitivity
UNDERBALANCE: Cold, emotionless nature
RELATED PRODUCTS Water oil, Water incense
Sage or Fool: Water, Tarot, Angels, Blue Green
Scorpio , Blue Green , Turquoise.
Suit of Cups
Classical Element : Water
Seals of The Angels of Scorpio
Suit of Cups
Classical Element : Water
Seals of The Angels of Scorpio
Sources and more Elements of Water
For the two posts of THIS and THIS the sources are THIS and THIS
Water (classical) element
Water, is a great
necessity, without it nothing can live. Only earth and water can bring
forth a living soul. Such is the greatness of water that spiritual
regeneration cannot be done without it.
Thales of Miletus concluded that water was the beginning of all things and the first of all elements and most potent because of its mastery over the rest. Pliny said “Water swallow up the earth, extinguishes the flame, ascends on high, and by stretching forth as clouds challenges the heavens for their own, and the same falling down, becomes the cause of all things that grow in the earth.
Water is a cleansing, healing, psychic, and loving element. It is the feeling of friendship and love that pours over us when we are with our family, friends and loved ones. When we swim it is water that supports us, when we are thirsty, it is water the quenches our thirst, another manifestation of this element is the rainstorms that drench us, or the dew formed on plants after the sun has set.
The power of the energy of Water, can be felt by tasting pure spring water, moving you hand through a stream, lake, pool, or bowl full of water. You can feel its cool liquidity; it’s soft and loving touch, this motion and fluidity is the quality of Air within Water. This Water energy is also contained within ourselves, our bodies being mostly composed of Water.
As well as being vital for life, within the energy of this element is contained the essence of love. Love is the underlying reason for all magic. Water is love.
Water is a feminine element, it also the element of emotion and subconscious, of purification, intuition, mysteries of the self, compassion and family. It is psychic ability; water can be used as a means of scrying or as an object for meditation. Water is important in spells and rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, psychic abilities and spells involving mirrors.
The Element of Water is a heavy, passive element and is contrary to Fire. It is associated with the qualities of darkness, thickness and motion.
DIRECTION: West - the place of the setting sun.
TYPE OF ENERGY: Receptive.
BASIC NATURE: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving.
COLOUR: Blue - from the hue of deep water
PLACES: Lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam rooms, fountains.
RITUALS: Purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships.
RITUAL FORMS: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing.
HERBS: Aquatic, such as water lilies and seaweed; fleshy, as in succulents and lettuce; loving, as in rose and gardenia; generally flowers.
STONES: Transparent or translucent, as in amethyst and aquamarine; blue, as in blue tourmaline.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Cymbal, bell, all resonant metals.
CREATURES: Cat, frog, turtle, dolphin, whale, otter, seal, dugong; most fish and shellfish.
SEASON: Autumn - the time of harvest.
TIME: Dusk.
MAGICKAL TOOL: Cup, the cauldron.
SENSE: Taste.
NATURAL SYMBOLS: Shells, a cup of water.
TYPES OF MAGICK RULES: Sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet.
GODDESSES: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya.
GODS: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.
Thales of Miletus concluded that water was the beginning of all things and the first of all elements and most potent because of its mastery over the rest. Pliny said “Water swallow up the earth, extinguishes the flame, ascends on high, and by stretching forth as clouds challenges the heavens for their own, and the same falling down, becomes the cause of all things that grow in the earth.
Water is a cleansing, healing, psychic, and loving element. It is the feeling of friendship and love that pours over us when we are with our family, friends and loved ones. When we swim it is water that supports us, when we are thirsty, it is water the quenches our thirst, another manifestation of this element is the rainstorms that drench us, or the dew formed on plants after the sun has set.
The power of the energy of Water, can be felt by tasting pure spring water, moving you hand through a stream, lake, pool, or bowl full of water. You can feel its cool liquidity; it’s soft and loving touch, this motion and fluidity is the quality of Air within Water. This Water energy is also contained within ourselves, our bodies being mostly composed of Water.
As well as being vital for life, within the energy of this element is contained the essence of love. Love is the underlying reason for all magic. Water is love.
Water is a feminine element, it also the element of emotion and subconscious, of purification, intuition, mysteries of the self, compassion and family. It is psychic ability; water can be used as a means of scrying or as an object for meditation. Water is important in spells and rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, psychic abilities and spells involving mirrors.
The Element of Water is a heavy, passive element and is contrary to Fire. It is associated with the qualities of darkness, thickness and motion.
DIRECTION: West - the place of the setting sun.
TYPE OF ENERGY: Receptive.
BASIC NATURE: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving.
COLOUR: Blue - from the hue of deep water
PLACES: Lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam rooms, fountains.
RITUALS: Purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships.
RITUAL FORMS: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing.
HERBS: Aquatic, such as water lilies and seaweed; fleshy, as in succulents and lettuce; loving, as in rose and gardenia; generally flowers.
STONES: Transparent or translucent, as in amethyst and aquamarine; blue, as in blue tourmaline.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Cymbal, bell, all resonant metals.
CREATURES: Cat, frog, turtle, dolphin, whale, otter, seal, dugong; most fish and shellfish.
SEASON: Autumn - the time of harvest.
TIME: Dusk.
MAGICKAL TOOL: Cup, the cauldron.
SENSE: Taste.
NATURAL SYMBOLS: Shells, a cup of water.
TYPES OF MAGICK RULES: Sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet.
GODDESSES: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya.
GODS: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.
Scorpio’s symbol is the Scorpion, hinting at its sting, and reputation as dangerous.
Scorpio knows that sometimes the poison is the cure. Scorpios are
tenacious, and thrive with plenty of channels for their intensity.
Animals are those that go through a metamorphosis. Caterpillar to butterfly, snakes, tadpoles to frogs, insects that leave old shell behind. Birds of prey, especially vultures. Poisonous spiders and insects, like the black wido, brown recluse. Slithering reptiles (alligators, geckos), the scorpion, and the mythic dragon.
Scorpio has a compelling presence that others sense. A big life theme is power, and knowing who to trust and when. Scorpio wants to experience the depths of love, and with intensity of feeling, comes dangerous currents like possessiveness, revenge, obsession. Through merging with life’s work, or in love, Scorpio goes to the extremes, and is transformed.
At those extreme edges, Scorpio is wary, secretive, and calculating.
Scorpio shines as big-hearted loyal, lover or friend who will walk with you through the darkest hour. Scorpio bores of small talk, preferring to go deep into the psychic undercurrents. Many are drawn to the taboo, or most difficult roles as healer transforming what’s hidden or unconsciously repressed.
- Element is Water (psychic, enveloping).
- Quality is Fixed (fulfilling, bringing to fruition).
- Scorpio is Feminine (mesmerizing, magnetic)
- Polarity is Taurus.
- Ruler is Pluto and co-ruler is Mars.
- Natural House is Eighth.
- Phrase is “I desire.”
- Body Association: Sex organs, bladder, rectum.
- Season is Samhain and composting (piles of leaves) of autumn, descent into dark.
- Colors are rich browns and reds (the colors of blood), maroon, burgundy, black, blue-green, algae-green.
- Rules plutonium, steel, tungsten.
- Birthstone is topaz, with other stones beryl, apache tear, aquamarine, coral, and obsidian.
- Other Gemstones are boji stone, red coral kunzite, labradorite, lava, malachite, nebula, moldavite, mahogany obsidian, desert rose, black pearl, sepentine, snakestone, staurolite, green turquoise and unakite.
Animals are those that go through a metamorphosis. Caterpillar to butterfly, snakes, tadpoles to frogs, insects that leave old shell behind. Birds of prey, especially vultures. Poisonous spiders and insects, like the black wido, brown recluse. Slithering reptiles (alligators, geckos), the scorpion, and the mythic dragon.
Scorpio has a compelling presence that others sense. A big life theme is power, and knowing who to trust and when. Scorpio wants to experience the depths of love, and with intensity of feeling, comes dangerous currents like possessiveness, revenge, obsession. Through merging with life’s work, or in love, Scorpio goes to the extremes, and is transformed.
At those extreme edges, Scorpio is wary, secretive, and calculating.
Scorpio shines as big-hearted loyal, lover or friend who will walk with you through the darkest hour. Scorpio bores of small talk, preferring to go deep into the psychic undercurrents. Many are drawn to the taboo, or most difficult roles as healer transforming what’s hidden or unconsciously repressed.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Element of Water
Major Arcana: The Priestess, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Death, The Moon
Level: Neshamah
World: Briah
The element of Water embodies the primeval emotion and intuition, it is passivity and placidity, receptivity and responsiveness. Water is fluid, adaptive and pragmative, it will always go the way of the least resistance, changing its course at the slightest disturbance. With no outer influence, water won’t move.
Water is associated with the level Neshamah and the world of Briah, the dark unconscious receiving the spark of life from the Fire thus giving birth to creation. But, the creation born in the Water is not a creation that actually creates anything - that act will be left to Air (Yetzirah) and Earth (Assiah).
When looking at the Qualities of the elements, we remember that Water is considered as cold. Warm power separates and dissolves, while the cold power unites and binds, which Water does without ever taking a defined form. It will mix and solve, dissolve and rearrange, change and transform. Water is the Mother who receives the semen and nurtures the embryo but leaves the actual birth to someone else.
The Element of Water as the realm of emotion, subconscious and intuition is often seen in an over-romanticised manner. What people tend to forget is that conscious ‘emotion’, in the very moment we are aware of one, is but our mind’s transcription of the original emotion. Subconscious does not need telling - in the moment we are aware of it it is not ‘sub’ anymore - it is conscious. And what often gets identified as ‘Intuition’ is usually the first conclusion the mind had jumped on. A thought, not a feeling. And the very moment we have it in our *thoughts* it is Yetzirah at work, not Briah.
The world of Briah is a dark and cold world, a bottomless pit of archaic, unsorted notions, a quicksand of quicksilver and yet in slow motion, if any motion at all. Quiet, limitless, passive, a black hole into some unknown dimension.
Yet, Water is also a life-giver, as much as no life would be possible on this planet without water, the spiritual being would be nowhere without Water as well.
In the Tarot Water is associated with the Suit of Cups.
the hanged man,
The Moon,
Snake: October 23 - November 22
Earth: the time of frost
Direction & Wind: West
Element: water with earth
Animal: snake
Plant: thistle
Mineral: amethyst
Polarity: Beaver
Colour: violet
Personality: mysterious, ambitious, determined, intensive, impulsive
Music: B
Clan: frog-clan(water) function: dealing with the spritual
Emotion: concealed
Intention: introspection
Character: thirst for knowlegde, scientist
Positive: imaginative, purposeful, sharp-sighted
Negative: resentful, mysterious, distrustful, stubborn
Libido: intensive
Goal: satisfaction
Unconscious Desire: spiritual unification
Has to develop: creativity, tolerance, adaptability
Has to avoid: egocentric, envy, despair
Direction & Wind: West
Element: water with earth
Animal: snake
Plant: thistle
Mineral: amethyst
Polarity: Beaver
Colour: violet
Personality: mysterious, ambitious, determined, intensive, impulsive
Music: B
Clan: frog-clan(water) function: dealing with the spritual
Emotion: concealed
Intention: introspection
Character: thirst for knowlegde, scientist
Positive: imaginative, purposeful, sharp-sighted
Negative: resentful, mysterious, distrustful, stubborn
Libido: intensive
Goal: satisfaction
Unconscious Desire: spiritual unification
Has to develop: creativity, tolerance, adaptability
Has to avoid: egocentric, envy, despair
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
So a while back I decided to start some shenanigans with a Khajiit character and holy hells, not only did I become fond of my Khajiit - the whole circle jerk when it comes to racial slurs against my cat-person was along the lines of funny to annoying. Of course those in authority automatically decided that my Khajiit would start trouble, then hunters would regard her as just "cat", everyone else would call her a rug or a carpet.
Even throughout the other TES games, I've found the Khajiit (and all their types) to be pretty fun. Now when it came time to pinpoint exactly what kind of feline my Skyrim Khajiit is ( I know they're mountain cats) but which? I'm seeing a mix of a snow leopard +cougar+bobcat thing going. I also can't figure out the body-pattern, its like a broken mackerel - clouded tabby - ticked tabby, there are dashed stripes,spots,slight swirls, and dark feet/hands.
I like this mix and match of the mountain cat types. Of course if it were up to me I'd have a pattern suiting Aomi's design which would be a mostly completely white body, three stripes on the hips(from the back over the sides), black tipped ears and a black tipped tail.
Now if I was to Khajiit my Aomi, Aomi would have the blunt hair style, long of course but wielding my Skyrim Khajiit's accessories in the hair/ears, blunt hair style, multiple braids, with teal rings. Aomi would be more Ohmes and maybe a little Ohmes-raht (minus the gold tone and beast like feet) than Cathay.
Even throughout the other TES games, I've found the Khajiit (and all their types) to be pretty fun. Now when it came time to pinpoint exactly what kind of feline my Skyrim Khajiit is ( I know they're mountain cats) but which? I'm seeing a mix of a snow leopard +cougar+bobcat thing going. I also can't figure out the body-pattern, its like a broken mackerel - clouded tabby - ticked tabby, there are dashed stripes,spots,slight swirls, and dark feet/hands.
I like this mix and match of the mountain cat types. Of course if it were up to me I'd have a pattern suiting Aomi's design which would be a mostly completely white body, three stripes on the hips(from the back over the sides), black tipped ears and a black tipped tail.
Now if I was to Khajiit my Aomi, Aomi would have the blunt hair style, long of course but wielding my Skyrim Khajiit's accessories in the hair/ears, blunt hair style, multiple braids, with teal rings. Aomi would be more Ohmes and maybe a little Ohmes-raht (minus the gold tone and beast like feet) than Cathay.
the elder scrolls
Monday, June 16, 2014
Imoa and Aomi
shadow demon,
As a Scorpio
As a Scorpio you might be prone to wanting to either
plainly wreck someone/something or fuck someone/something to death(not
literally) and or impregnate someone/something as a result.
In either event somebody will turn inside out or just vomit.
Gotta do with Scorpio’s need for control and the whole create,destroy, and rebuilding aspect.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Tarot used in Silent Hill 3

In Silent Hill 3 these are the tarot cards in-game that you encounter to solve a puzzle in Alessa’s bedroom. (I am not posting the entire tarot deck - just the cards that appeared in the game *minus Death- for personal reasons*)
Alessa Gillespie,
heather mason,
Silent Hill,
silent hill 3,
The Eye of Night,
The Fool,
The Moon
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
when stuck in the middle
i am experience two things right now:
YOLO mode
and FML mode.
both at the same time.
i do not like these grey zones, middle grounds, edges of coins.
all in all the middle is absolute chaos
YOLO mode
and FML mode.
both at the same time.
i do not like these grey zones, middle grounds, edges of coins.
all in all the middle is absolute chaos
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
another fantroll reroll !
Name: Tsieos MarMar (SHAY-us) (MAR-mar)
Blood Colour: Jade green ( Virgo / Kanaya )
Lusus: Anteater & Alpaca hybrid
Interests: planning for the zombie apocalypse, candy-making, chemistry, and sea monsters
Trollian handle: antiAxiom (aa)
Strife specibus: slungshotKind (not slingshot)
God Tier (class and aspect): Thief of Space
Land: Land of Mystery and Frost
Consorts: Aquamarine Frogs
Denizen: Echidna
Dreams on: Derse
Typing Quirk: T's and S's are doubled and capitalized and punctuation is standard. Example: no one TTaughTT TThe ghoSSTTSS how TTo play wiTTh uSS!
Symbol: alchemical symbol for oil, an S on its side with two lines parallel to each other intersecting through the center of the S diagonally.
The older fantroll quiz result
The OTHER older fantroll quiz result
The alchemy symbols
The Blood Colour Quiz result
Blood Colour: Jade green ( Virgo / Kanaya )
Lusus: Anteater & Alpaca hybrid
Interests: planning for the zombie apocalypse, candy-making, chemistry, and sea monsters
Trollian handle: antiAxiom (aa)
Strife specibus: slungshotKind (not slingshot)
God Tier (class and aspect): Thief of Space
Land: Land of Mystery and Frost
Consorts: Aquamarine Frogs
Denizen: Echidna
Dreams on: Derse
Typing Quirk: T's and S's are doubled and capitalized and punctuation is standard. Example: no one TTaughTT TThe ghoSSTTSS how TTo play wiTTh uSS!
Symbol: alchemical symbol for oil, an S on its side with two lines parallel to each other intersecting through the center of the S diagonally.
The older fantroll quiz result
The OTHER older fantroll quiz result
The alchemy symbols
The Blood Colour Quiz result
jade blood,
thief of space,
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
here be my Tear Born ! (reapers manifested in the lake of tears) my reaper Amister (the top
set) and in the second (middle)it is just a side by side view of my
reaper and mystic jumping /nearly landing. now the bottom is my Lycan priest from Forsaken World. I am on the [East]Storm server, name is Iamastormer .
(i named my mystic after my priest from forsaken world)
the reaper reminded me of my two favourite characters in MMOS, Vella from Vindictus and the running/jumping/hair/leap-ness/ my Lycan and Reaper both do that flip thing!
Amister is on Tempest Reach and chants ‘BUN BUN BUN’ because even tho she is not a bunny but a chinchilla elin, the power of the bunny is still strong. ( all my other elins are bunny elins)
Iamastormer (mystic) is on Tempest Reach.
Tsieo ( my Vella ) is on WEST servers. ( last image) i really dont play Vindictus anymore because of the stupid gold penalty and mostly because i have no one to play with and i can’t solo most of the 50+ missions on my own.
(i named my mystic after my priest from forsaken world)
the reaper reminded me of my two favourite characters in MMOS, Vella from Vindictus and the running/jumping/hair/leap-ness/ my Lycan and Reaper both do that flip thing!
Amister is on Tempest Reach and chants ‘BUN BUN BUN’ because even tho she is not a bunny but a chinchilla elin, the power of the bunny is still strong. ( all my other elins are bunny elins)
Iamastormer (mystic) is on Tempest Reach.
Tsieo ( my Vella ) is on WEST servers. ( last image) i really dont play Vindictus anymore because of the stupid gold penalty and mostly because i have no one to play with and i can’t solo most of the 50+ missions on my own.
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
this is an Aomipu collage made back in 2007, i think.
Behold!! It is an Aomipu!
Aomipu’s hail from a land of puffballs of fluff and doom, tiny doom. The Aomipu scream about love and they sing and dance.
They walk around like headcrabs and cling tightly to people or those that love them, they also say "Pu"a lot. Aomipu are fluffyball toasters of love and can shoot toast from the stripes on their backs, they enjoy screaming and dancing but mostly enjoy being cuddled and petted. Aomipu’s also have a small version of themselves called Boop or Boopies (Boopy), Boopies & Aomipu are avatars, basically miniature versions of whatever owns them.
Most Aomipu come with a phrase: “Pu! pu! pu!
I am Aomipu!
Pu with me
RAGE too!
Pu! pu! pu!”
Behold!! It is an Aomipu!
Aomipu’s hail from a land of puffballs of fluff and doom, tiny doom. The Aomipu scream about love and they sing and dance.
They walk around like headcrabs and cling tightly to people or those that love them, they also say "Pu"a lot. Aomipu are fluffyball toasters of love and can shoot toast from the stripes on their backs, they enjoy screaming and dancing but mostly enjoy being cuddled and petted. Aomipu’s also have a small version of themselves called Boop or Boopies (Boopy), Boopies & Aomipu are avatars, basically miniature versions of whatever owns them.
Most Aomipu come with a phrase: “Pu! pu! pu!
I am Aomipu!
Pu with me
RAGE too!
Pu! pu! pu!”
Past and Present Aomi and some Aomi Forms
Aomi Armster,
shadow demon,
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Dragons and Dragons and Dragons? Ok yeah, yeah I got dragons D:
I love how on both sites,
my first dragons are small ones, like in Dragon Cave, I picked pigmy and
in Flight Rising I picked fae.
My Dragon Cave Dragons
My Flight Rising Dragon
i adore my little dragons :3
My Dragon Cave Dragons
My Flight Rising Dragon
i adore my little dragons :3
dragon cave,
flight rising,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Troll Blood - Jade & Teal ?
I took two quizzes This and This
Aomi’s birth date 10/26/1997
1st quiz
rising: virgo
sun : scorpio - 8
moon: virgo - 6
6+8 = 14
14 = Teal (Terezi)- 14 or 15 (14.58%)
2nd quiz
For 1997 AD - 17 - Fire Ox
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon Sign: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Ox = Taurus (Tavros) = 3
8+6+6+3 = 23
23/4 = 5.75
For 1300 AD - 714 - Metal Rat
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon: Sagittarius (Equius) = 9
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Rat = Aries (Aradia) = 2
8+9+6+2 = 25
25/4 =6.25
For 1300 BC -3314 - Metal Snake
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon: Sagittarius (Equius) = 9
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Snake = Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
8+9+6+6 = 29
29/4 =7.25
Aomi’s birth date 10/26/1997
1st quiz
rising: virgo
sun : scorpio - 8
moon: virgo - 6
6+8 = 14
14 = Teal (Terezi)- 14 or 15 (14.58%)
2nd quiz
For 1997 AD - 17 - Fire Ox
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon Sign: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Ox = Taurus (Tavros) = 3
8+6+6+3 = 23
23/4 = 5.75
For 1300 AD - 714 - Metal Rat
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon: Sagittarius (Equius) = 9
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Rat = Aries (Aradia) = 2
8+9+6+2 = 25
25/4 =6.25
For 1300 BC -3314 - Metal Snake
Star Sign: Scorpio (Vriska) = 8
Moon: Sagittarius (Equius) = 9
13 Zodiac: Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
Chinese Zodiac: Snake = Virgo (Kanaya) = 6
8+9+6+6 = 29
29/4 =7.25
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Evil Pixels
can’t believe i just Ooo-la-la’d at Malus. again.. recently - i hadn’t
done that in a lonnng time. ( purple haired kiddo from Castlevania 64)
coz like when he turns into like like u know the dracula guy. omg.
>;3 hawt bishounen. nen nen nen. BAH i was such a herpa derp when i
was a kiddo.

legacy of darkness,
Renon The Demon Salesman
"it is shameful for a demon to be working, but one needs gold even in hell these days."
what Renon said had all those years ago has always stuck with me
what Renon said had all those years ago has always stuck with me
legacy of darkness,
Doom and Woe

lets introduce the players, the red shirt is Aomi ( i finally made an Aomi sim- a werewolf ta boot) now I really messed up with some of my mods regarding autonomy and a try for baby options a while back. long story short, Aomi can spontaneously give birth to a baby - all one has to do is move Aomi to a new house and OUT COME BABIES. Cue the kid next to Aomi, this is mini Aomi ( mini Aomi is a teenager and also a werewolf)

the blue haired guy is a wizard, i haven’t given him a name yet and well Aomi enjoys his company in many ways. Mini Aomi calls him dad.
Mini Aomi does not want anymore siblings

of course Aomi takes Mini Aomi’s concern seriously. (that’s baby Sami)

but whot ya gonna do? Aomi has the reproductive capabilities of a clown car. could be a werewolf thing? do the kiddos all have the same father? Sami is not blue-haired-wizard-guy’s kid and is Mini Aomi’s half brother.
I DUNNO WHO THE FATHER IS- family tree gives no info.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
muntant horse zebra trio
just an idea of who is who
with this mutant horse zebra family i got going in the sims three - long
story short, my sims 3 experience was a cluster of WHOA THAT IS BEAUTIFUL to OH WHAT THE HELL NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! :( from the sims family i started with and their drama and story unfolding and continuing( Ami and Eisam
are great-grand parents now) to the eventual doggy named Trae being
taken in (current family - with the perished great grand daughter) but
there was something really screwed up with this whole thing, the same
horror that unfolded with Ami and Eisam continued with their children
and their children’s children. Ami died, her daughter died, her daughter’s daughter died and all the deaths occurred AFTER the women had just become mums.
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